Nicole Joann.

personal opinions and thoughts.


Everyday people go through life over-looking the little things, or even the big things that make life worthwhile. It is natural for a person to become accustomed to something that crosses their path everyday, but I think it is immensely important for a person to sometimes stop and take a look at everything and to appreciate it. Appreciation is one of the greatest feelings and even form of flattery; in my opinion at least. I would therefore like to dedicate this post to acknowledging a few things that I may take for granted sometimes but appreciate more than words can explain. Feel free to comment some of the things you appreciate in the comments as well; you don’t have to wait for Thanksgiving to be thankful and appreciative!

I appreciate: my family, my friends, handwritten letters, flowers (especially daises and sunflowers,) solo-piano compositions, forests, art museums, historic museums, candles, food, fruits, teddy-bears, musical instruments, notebooks and papers, canvases, Christmas lights, paint, pastels, and much more.

What do you appreciate? Feel free to be vague or specific!

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